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Cuomo: 'Bad News' On COVID-19 Death Rate


Gov. Andrew Cuomo today said that 385 New Yorkers have died of COVID-19 - up from 285 yesterday.

This is "bad news," the governor said, but also "not unexpected," and the number is likely to continue to rise, as there's a large number of people on ventilators for an extended period of time. The longer people are on ventilators, the higher the likelihood is that they will not recover.

The average, non-COVID-19 patient is on a ventilator for three to four days, Cuomo said, while a COVID-19 patient can be on for 20 to 30 days or longer.

The testing number in New York is also up: 18,650, which continues to be the highest rate in the nation. The overall numbers are they stood at the time of the governor's press conference (11:30 a.m.) are as follows:

- 37,327 New York cases

- 5,327 hospitalized

- 1,290 in ICUs

- 1,571 discharges

Across the country, there are 72,700 COVID-19 cases, and 1,050 deaths.

On a positive note, Cuomo said, another 12,000 medical professionals stepped up to offer to volunteer their services in a single day, adding to the 40,000 who have already volunteered to serve as a backstop to the current army of doctors, nurses, and others who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle.

In addition, there are now 8,600 mental health professionals who have volunteered to provide free counseling services to New Yorkers, up from the 6,175 announced yesterday. The governor said some people from other states have even called to volunteer their services.

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